Historic Dundas Townsite

The historic Dundas Townsite is located near the present-day town of Norseman. Dundas was established during the late 19th century gold rush period, which saw a flurry of activity as prospectors flocked to the area in search of gold.

Dundas quickly grew into a bustling community, with a post office, shops, hotels, and other amenities catering to the needs of the gold miners and settlers.

However, like many gold rush towns, Dundas experienced booms and busts as the fortunes of the gold mining industry fluctuated. As the gold deposits dwindled and mining operations became less profitable, the population of Dundas began to decline. By the early 20th century, the townsite was largely abandoned, and today only remnants of its former glory remain.

You can find the remains of the Dundas Townsite along the Norseman Heritage Trial.